Saturday, July 24, 2010

long time no post

wow, dead blog =]
well, quick update then.
Concerts over, no more abbreviated timetable. I am depressed.
Al, we should really try out for concert next year I think we have a thing for drama. We can act till ppl actually cry =] * wink. Oh, and next year for sports day training , we can run on mats =] * wink again.
Charmaine and Al, next year for your birthday prezzies, everyone will donate money to buy a new phone for you guys =] unless you guys get a new one before then =] So don't be upset, cause I blame the pamelo.

p.s. bend bend bend bend bend bend bend bend


Monday, July 19, 2010

Roar (:

So,I haven't been blogging much x) Haha,Jeann's posting all this WEIRDWEIRD stuff.
LOL (: How was your day??? Well,MINE WAS PRETTY COOL.
Beside the fact that, I got into the 3Muskerteers's Circle ._.
Then,It all went well. ;D
Im still a bit freaked out abt wearing that circular flowery thing on our heads for concert.
The costume's bad enough ehh. ;p
Anyway,I had a FUN time with Grace,Louise,Shu,Beth and. Lydia at Pavilion (:
ThankYou for coming (: I will upload the pics on fb,as soon as I find my wire! x)

Friday, July 9, 2010

when cookies crumble, I eat the crumbs =]

Charm, it's not life or death. Chill mo. No matter what, we still love ya darling XD

For starters, I'm in distress over our whole " tie two pony tails for our dance on the day of the concert", cracking my head on how to save myself. But if all fails, have fun criticizing me XD

Next subject, lockers =] Such a beautiful word, my back feels better already =] Someone stuffed his bag in the locker XD BTW, I'm going to make another key, the keys need more colour and Al, if you're reading this, during your counsellor's meeting, complain on behalf of mua, " the lockers need more colour "

Al, you'll look fabby in the suprise dress, you know. the one that was in the blue plastic bag =]

Jin, Chicken. Nut . Bread .
go laugh your knickers off XD

I think our blog has become. somewhat. and inspiration =]
Quote: "Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery "
Go google it if you don't understand
but for those who got it, haha. Right?

Elgeeceemojay FTW =]
xoxo gee

our blog been's dead ._. hehehhe lala face! allison (x

hehe, Char's here btw. I feel very very, I mean very very very! depressing today. Well, basically, Al and Gee mistakened me ): I was so sad ): But, I guess everything worked out pretty well at the end right :) I'm also sick, and screw u Daniel, you pushed me like uber hard -.-

I went to the sick bay today for about an hour, Al followed me too, I kinda skipped BM. yay? We skipped English and Geo, perhaps, teachers were absent? And, I really hope you guys understood me, yah?

I'M GONNA MAKE A VOW, just like you Grace :)
I really don't wanna hang out with them, it was just a coincedence, okay? I'm really sorry if you guys had thought it in a wrong way. I'm sorry, okay?

But, luckily, everything went OKAY? right? ):

Monday, July 5, 2010


I entered the blog and BOOM, it was Mika. Considering I was totally unaware of it and my earphones were switched on on full blast, I'm happy my eardrums didn't burst.

Haha, how was parent teacher conference you guys? I just found out that the reason why my mom decided not to go is because she thought there was going to be another at the end of the year XD

Al, you're my official singing buddy =]

Charm, don't forget to bring the geog project thumbdrive tomorrow, or I will un- puffy- fy your hair =] I have no idea whether that made sense, so don't question me.

Jin, post something on the blog man, you made one entry !!!!

P.S. can't wait till Al's birthday girl's outing !!!!!!!XD

Sunday, July 4, 2010

When Cookies Crumble...

Im watching the WIMBLEDON FINALS. I bet you guys are watching Fifa World Cup ._.
Sorry, not my thing (:
Haha,Thanks Charmaine dear for helping us do our GEOGPROJECT AGAIN!
I need all your moms' numbers (Grace,Char,Jean) andd,their names.
Im planning something (: Somehoww.... with our very busy schdueles.
Tomorrow's reports card;s day. They're gonna tell my mom i talk too much.
Sadly,I've got that comment ever since Year 2.
Haha,I replayed it about 10 times. Freak. Retarded. I ABSOLUTELY LOVE IT.
And Char I will learn how to change the Powerpoint Background.
Though,Im not sure how to acess to PwrPt.
SHOCKING THING IS. i got 86 for Comp.*THUMBS UP* ;p

Saturday, July 3, 2010



allison, is that your cousin at the back of us? :/

hello. so yeah. everyone's been saying I MISS U JEAN AND CHAR! hahha, sorry, im not perasan-ing -.- haha, jeannie and me, went for our trip on friday. We had loads of fun. And, if u wanna see the pictures, here.

see u guys next week!

Friday, July 2, 2010

I'll Never Let You Go

Thanks Ceemo for helping me pendrive the GEO project (:
hope you guys have been starting on it :D
So,I just checked out some other blogs.CheahMins' actually.Link Charmaine for it!
Char,wanna put some songs in our BLOG?
Haha, anyway. I missed JEAN AND CHAR when you guys went for your... trip.
Was it fun? But,I had ShuWei,Louise and Grace. My lightbulbs. I love them (:
Though I was definitely missing Charmaine HAHA Yeo.
I like Auyong's phone. Charmaine,You know what Im talking about *nudge.
See You Guys On Monday (: xx

Thursday, July 1, 2010

It's a Thursday thing

Charm and I went to the sick bay today, when we came back to class I wish I let charm stay in the sick bay for a longer period of time...

Ceemo, I hope you cramps don't steal your laughy-ness away XD

ROFLMAO, Al unbuckled Jay's strap!!!! Apparently Charm "dared" Al ;)

Jay & charm, - before I begin my lecture, I am wearing an angry look on my face and I think I look serious- WHY MUST YOU GUYS ABANDON US FOR CAMP TOMORROW ?!?! Make sure you don't have too much fun without me and Al, or I will eat you. Other than that, have a a great camp, tell me about it, kay? Imma miss you guys !!!! =[

I lost my pink mechanical pencil!!!!!! =[ if anyone find it pls instantly inform me!!!!! oh and this is what happened when I asked Al whether she had seen my pink mechanical pencil.

Me: Al! Have you seen my pink pencil?
Al: What colour?

What would I do without you Al? my life would be very. much .less .laughy .

p.s. Zara is having a sale , it was in the news papers ( I think ) =]

love ya lots,